Here are some pictures of Loveable RagaMuffins

Filensio Second in command

21 Merit Winner

Lovingly owned and showed to purrfection by Tracey and Jolly Archer

Your commitment to showing has done me and the breed proud- Thank you both so much

UK IGr Pr Filensio Falco Columbarius        UK Br Oly IGr Pr Filensio Pandora Charm

41 Merit Winner                                      35 Merit Winner

Filensio Pandora Charm gained Best In Show Semi Longhair Neuter at the 2014 Supreme Cat Show

an incredible achievement for such a new and rare breed in the UK

Also lovingly owned and shown by Tracey and Jolly Archer

Filensio Mr Binks

7 Merit Winner

Filensio Willow and Filensio Zander

Filensio Silver Spirit

Spirit lives with Kate at Ragvale RagaMuffins

Filensio Alexcia

Rivendell Rags Calypso Queen

Indigo Rags Jenna

Filensio Master Binks

Filensio Willow, Filensio Zander and Filensio Buffy




© Helen Sallows- Filensio RagaMuffins all rights reserved